23 July 2007

Breast Cancer Petition

While this does not have anything to do with cosmetics per say, it does have to do with a woman's well being and general self-esteem. There is a petition online to help bolster support for legislation purposed by Senators Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Mary Landrieu (D-LA) and Representative Rosa L. DeLauro (D-CT) to require insurance companies to allow mastectomy patients in-patient care post-op. As it stands now, mastectomy surgery is, to quote the petition, "drive-through" service; the women are sent home mere hours after surgery.

Any invasive surgery such as that where large swaths of body tissue must be removed requires intensive care for at least 48 hours under the supervision of a doctor or nurse. The risk of infection, while high even in a hospital setting, is even higher at home. In addition to that, there is a chance of leakage from the wound that would need to be attended by a professional immediately.

So, please sign the petition. Not just because you're a woman or know women but because you are a human being. Insurance companies are increasingly pressuring hospitals to release patients fresh out of surgery far too early to avoid paying in-patient care costs. While we all take (or should be taking) precautions to avoid any sort of surgery, we could well find ourselves in this very position.

Link: Legislation To Stop "Drive-Through" Mastectomies

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